Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Get to know me

Ok, I usually don't do these.
But, since my blog is fairly new, I decided to so my readers can get to know me better.

So, here it goes:

I got this from Dana, over at Just Talk .

Go to her blog-not now, silly, after you read mine.

On the outside:
Name: Tess
Birthday: March 6th
Current Status: married, with children
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: reddish brown
On the inside:
My Fears: the economy, spiders, heights, not being famous
My Weaknesses: seafood, licorice, jelly bellys (they now have ice cream flavors- OMG!)
My Perfect Pizza: BBQ chicken on a thick crust and if they have stuffed crust, yummy!

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow:
My thoughts first waking up: What should I write today?
My bedtime: after I've done every freakin thing possible known to moms
My most missed memory: when my two oldest were little.
My pick:
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi all the way
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: NIke
Tea or Nestea: Probably Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE- there is only chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you:
Smoke: no
Curse: hee hee
Take a shower: well, yes
Have a crush: McDreamy, of course
Think you’ve been in love: I am in love
Go to school: I'm always learning
Want to get married: am
Believe in yourself: most of the time but, sometimes certain relatives make it hard
Think you’re a health freak: Dude, I want to be one, but I fall off the wagon alot
In the past:
Gone to the mall: Yes
Been on stage: Yes
Eaten sushi: Argh..
Dyed your hair: Do I have to tell?
Have you ever:
Played a stripping game: Yes, sorry Honey
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope. Love me or hate me- It's your problem
Done something your kids will never know about (at least till they are adults): Yes
Age you’re hoping to:
Get married: am
Take your dream vacation: Disney World-again. In the next couple of years
In a guy:
Best eye color: Um, what color are my husband's eyes again?
Best hair color: black
Short hair or long hair: short
Clean cut or scruffy: clean cut
Best attribute: getting me
What were you doing:
A minute ago: typing and making pancakes
An hour ago: getting ready
A month ago: getting a baby shower together-sorry guys!
A year ago: enjoying being a year younger
Finish the sentences:
I love: my family
I feel: tired
I hate: hearing about the economy
I hide: from my kids
I miss: hanging out with friends more
I need: to be known for this blog
Feel free to play along.....please?