Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Monday, November 24, 2008

An artistic ability

Some may not know that I do artwork using the computer and I even have an online business called and I mainly do pet art. I was looking for an idea for my calendar this year for our home and decided to a "painting" for each month using photos of the kids (and even our little dog, Mia). So here are some sample paintings that I will be using. What do you think?


eight helping hands said...

Very cute kids. What a great idea. Wanna make me one someday. After I replace the camera that I dropped and broke. I have no pictures of the kids right now, lost them all, even the hard drive pics are gone. Ugh!
You should feature more of your work on your blog site, it's very good.