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Monday, June 21, 2010

Glad it's Monday

Yesterday probably was the worse Father's Day. It was one of those days that if something could go wrong, it did. I've found that if I try to plan something and look forward to it, the bad luck gods come down and do whatever it takes to make sure that my day goes wrong.

We started out our day by getting a text from my oldest daughter early in the morning, telling me that she was fighting with her boyfriend and she was coming over. Okay. I was fine with that. Shortly after, she called me saying that she was stuck downtown with a flat tire. Crap. I woke the hubby up to say, "Happy Father's Day, can you go change a tire?"

After that fun experience, we attempted to have a nice lunch. We went to the hubby's favorite restaurant and got the I-take-more-tables-then-I can-handle waitress. We were seated at a wet table, not given a kid's menu, and waited 15 mins to order (while watching her get a big tables drinks that came AFTER us). I decided to change my usual order to something new-not a good idea when your day already isn't going the greatest. I got a charred burger that was blacker then my new car.

As I was sitting at the table, I realized that I never order my daughter's collage of her son for his dad. CRAP! I quickly text her and hoped that she wasn't too mad. She was okay with it since she was mad at his dad anyway. Whew!

After lunch, we went to hubby's favorite store (Best Buy) and my youngest had a shopping break down and we were forced to buy a game for her- I know, don't give into tantrums. The way our day was going, I was sure had we not got it for her, she would have sprouted a big hairy head with big teeth and taken over the world.

Then, we get a call from the step daughter saying that her mom was leaving early, with no consideration to the plans we had and the time we planned on her coming. Luckily, we did work that one out-was there hope yet?

The rest of the day seemed to work out for us, thank goodness. I thought maybe my mom had cursed us, since usually I take her out on Sundays. I'm sure it was just a fluke, but just in case, next Sunday is wide open, Mom.


shelley said...

hey there,
well i hope you had a few moments of peace and happiness, i don't know sometimes i think all of these "hallmark" holidays drive everyone insane, worrying about cards and gifts and presents and special
keep smiling!
shelley :)

Liz Mays said...

I'm glad it ended up better than it started!

Aim said...

I hate days like that. Glad it worked itself out.

More Than Words said...

What a day!!! Well, I'm glad it all worked out in the end although there were road stops in the way.

NOthing worst than bad service at a restaurant!

Oh, and no worries about the tantrum. Anyone with kids can understand the buying of a toy!! LOL

Brian Miller said...

ha. i hope mom is the forgiving type. smiles.

crazy kinda day, but sounds like it ended well...

A Daft Scots Lass said...

We all have days like that, just a pity it was Father's Day.

On a positive note, your day did get better!