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Friday, November 5, 2010

My favorite season

Guest post written by Barbara Mackenzie

It's always so nice when it gets cold this time of the year because I just love to dress up in layers and feel that cold bite of the cold air on my face when I walk outside of my door. But that's before it starts snowing.
However, the other day once I tried to turn on the heat it wasn't working. Now, even though I love dressing in layers outdoors, I don't want to in my own apartment. So I called Philadelphia sears HVAC and got them to come out and replace my system.
Okay, so I do like to bundle up sometimes inside, especially when IÕm reading a funny book or watching The Office. I just switched out all my summer clothes for my warm clothes in my closet and so now I feel like I officially am ready for winter. Even though how many times my mom has told me that I should get rid of half of the clothes that I have, but that's what I tell her a hall closet is for.


Brian Miller said...

smiles. i love this time of year as well...esp since we got HVAC last year...