I started blogging when I was about 15 weeks pregnant or so, but I didn't really get into it until after my daughter was born. At first it was a place for me to post pregnancy updates and belly pics for friends, silly things. However it's become a very important part of my life. It's my place to vent, to be honest, to find humor in things, to connect with other women like me.
Do you make money from your blog?
No I don't make any money. I wouldn't be opposed to it, but it just hasn't happened for me yet.
How frequently do you post?
I try to post about 4 times a week. I try to schedule posts as much as I can because I find if I don't write down my ideas right away, I lose them.
Do you have a favorite blogger(s) that you just can't live without reading?
You mean besides you? ;) I absolutely love Sarah @ The Stroller Ballet (www.strollerballet.blogspot.com), Quixotic @ Quixotic Life (www.quixoticlife.com), and Theta Mom (www.thetamom.com). I love refreshing honesty and the ability to make fun of yourself. These women really put themselves out there and inspire me to be a better writer/blogger.
Have your readers influenced you in any way?
Absolutely. I'm continuously amazed that anyone gives a rats patutie what I think. I'm also blown away by the amount of support and advice I receive from "strangers."
Has blogging changed your life in any way?
It really has. It's been almost like a life line to me. Especially when I'm writing through a difficult time in my journey, I can get those feelings out and actually hear from other people who have been there. I've made some great friends and I feel like I've really come into my own.
What do you do when you get writer's block?
I read other people's blogs to try and get inspired. Or I try to find a humorous observation about my day and see if it might be something other people can relate too.
Any other advice you might have for newbie bloggers?
Network. Get out there and comment. Give good comments, not "Great post" but something meaningful that shows that you actually read and cared about what the blogger had to say. Follow blogs that you love. Keep your posting current and don't give up, success comes with time.
Thanks, Melissa!