Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Loosing an hour of sleep and adjusting to being a year older

This morning came all too early for me and surviving my birthday weekend went very fast. My husband thought it would be funny the day before my birthday to make me think that nobody was getting me a birthday cake and he didn't have any money to get me anything and that everyone was too busy to come over to celebrate. So after being upset all night thinking that nobody loved me, he greets me at the bathroom door the next morning with a new watch and says that he was just kidding. He KNOWS that I get extra emotional around my birthday and he uses this to entertain himself. Note to self: Husband's birthday coming up in May-no presents for him.

So, I am now officially in the 40's. I didn't count last year because when you turn 40, you are just hitting the 40's and not in full swing yet-that's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it. My husband also thinks it's funny to call me old but then I tell him that if I'm old then he's got one foot in the grave and that I will miss him while I'm vacationing in Hawaii on his insurance policy.

I'm not sure if everyone does this when they have a birthday, but whenever I turn another year older, I reflect on my life and my accomplishments and make new goals of where I want to be when I get older. My main goal that has never changed has been my desire to write books. I am one step closer for my next book to be published and I'm hoping to reach a wide audience this time. Then, I will hopefully go on to writing my next idea which will be a four book series named, The Coconut Hut Club. These books will be about four women that decide to form a club (named after the bar that they hang out at ) since they seem to "find trouble" all the time. Kind of like a 'Chick Lit' type of novels with humor and suspense thrown together.

So, bare with me and my whining and hopefully here soon I'll be writing a post that says, Ok, you can now buy my book here...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Tess! I've been in my 40's for 2 years now and survived. It's not too bad, provided I forget the words "wrinkles" and "cellulite" exist.

I'm so excited for you and your books! I hope one day to have a book of my own, although I have no idea where to even start.

(psssst: if you're feeling crafty, I've got a giveaway going on right now!)

Aim said...

I'm looking forwardto reading your books, Tess. that's always been a goal of mine too. But so many ideas and not enough focus. I need to retire so I can write :-)

Deb said...

Hi Tess, Happy Birthday! I've just turned 40 and I admire your goal to write books. Keep at it!

Stopping by from the Follow Me Club at the MBC--looking forward to reading you blog.

Anonymous said...

There's definitely a difference in eveything when you're in your 40's. Ugh.

Helene said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday!! I'm turning 40 next month so I'm totally loving your philosophy on that!!

I'm super excited about reading your next book!!! And the Coconut Hut Club sounds good too...right up my alley!! I wish I had your energy...I've been working on a book for quite some time and it's still nowhere near done!

eight helping hands said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You turned 41 before me! JK! At least you get presents for your birthday, I get a few happy birthdays and that's it. Oh and the occasional homemade cards, I LOVE those, though. No presents, no cake, no parties, no nothing! HMMMMMM.......maybe that should tell me something

Mrsbear said...

Happy belated to you! I'm still getting into the swing of my 30s, but I hear 40 is the new 20. I guess 30 is the new puberty. lol. Thanks for stopping by.

Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

Happy Birthday again! Hey, you gave me a great idea! I hope I can remember this... I'd like to keep birthday journals for the kids. Every year on the day before their birthday they can write about the previous year & what they hope the next year holds.

I can't wait to buy your Nut Hut book!

Cinder Rail'lee said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!