Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is that a "tag" sticking out of my shirt?

I've been tagged and given an award by Tami and thought I'd better catch up.

This is a Blogger Buddy Award-cute, isn't it?

The only rule is to give it to your blogger buddies. I don't like to just say "everyone" so, I will pick a few:





Now, the other is the 8 things tag.

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1) The Hallmark Contest being over so I can see what place I come in.
2) Seeing my book on the bookstore shelf
3) The weekend- it's a quiet one other than the card signing.
4) Having the wedding I am scheduled to shoot be over.
5) Buying a bigger nicer house.
6) Readers leaving comments-I love comments.
7) Catching up with work.
8) Getting an Carmel Ice Coffee from McDonalds-lol!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1) Worked on photos from a 100th birthday party I took a week ago.
2) Blogged.
3) Relaxed.
4) Laundry.
5) Visited other blogger's blogs.
6) Smiled because the hubby took Emily to dance instead of me.
7) Did "learning time" with my four year old.
8) Went to bed early for once.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do

1) Win the Hallmark Card Contest.
2) Win the Hallmark Card Contest.
3) Win the Hallmark Card Contest.
4) Earn a hefty living from writing.
5) Have a wildly popular blog that everyone in the world loved.
6) Be debt free.
7) Go to Disney World .
8) Win the lottery.

8 Shows I Watch On TV

1) Desperate Housewives
2) Two and a Half Men
3) Hannah Montana-don't laugh
4) Old Christine
5) I would have to say that I watch movies for the rest of my list. (Actually, I could list some more Disney shows but then you would find out just how immature I really am. :) )
6) ...
7) ...
8) ...

I am just tagging the same people for this too so they can curse at me under their breath. I hear you already-make sure your kids aren't around! They might say, "Who is @#^%$ Tess?"


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I came over to vote today, and look what I found!! Thank you for thinking of me.

Aim said...

Tess, I love comments too! I think our follow me club should have been a comment club. I'm going to try to hit everybody's blog at least once a week.

Helene said...

Thanks for the tag!! Looks like a fun one!!

So is your book available for sale now???? Do tell!!

Veronica Lee said...

Here's another award for you. Grab the zombie chicken award from my blog.

Kristen Andrews said...

love housewives, I watch a lot of tv but lately have had to skip some.

Terra said...

This one is really making the rounds! Kind of fun! Thanks for sharing.

If you have a free minute I would love it you would check out my post tonight - I think you might be offer something and I would appreciate it!

Creative Junkie said...

Ummmm - so, you think you might want to win the Hallmark contest? LOL.

Crossing my fingers for you.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Voted again today!!!

fingers crossed:)

Cascia Talbert said...

Congratulations on your award! I hope you win the Hallmark contest.

Fearless Mom said...

I hope you win the Hallmark contest too.