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Friday, June 5, 2009

First time dance recital

I can't believe we are finally to the end of Emily's dance class session and tomorrow will be her first recital ever. I'm so nervous to see how she will react to a zillion eyeballs watching her and I hope that she won't decide to do one of her "faint spells"- hand to forehead and all- and go flying off the stage. Do I have a drama queen? If you've read my blog for even a week you know the answer to that.

A big ham? I think so.

Tonight is the rehearsal, so the parents will get a taste as to how their kid will react to the big day. I will use tonight to see if I need to wear a wig and dark sunglasses tomorrow. I'm just kidding. I think she will do fine and if anything, this will make her head grow fatter than her vain daddy's. Then, we'll have to get bigger doors so they can fit through them.

One thing that I keep worrying about is that they want parents to bring flowers for the girls for after the recital. I keep having this reoccurring nightmare that we forget to bring the flowers and everyone has them but her. I wake up in a cold sweat at the thought of making Emily angry. She scares me when she's mad. Hallmark was so scared they even put her mad look on a card. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Jennifer said...

LOL! You better put sticky notes everywhere you go so you don't incur the wrath of your daughter! ;-)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Oh my gosh she is so precious!

Terra said...

an ADORABLE ham!

Two Pretty Little Skirts said...

omg I have 3 (12, 3 and 2) girls all drama queens. I feel you ;)

Stoppin by from the MBC to follow!

Have a great night!


The Four Week Vegan said...

Littles in dance recitals are always the cutest. Tell her to break a leg and see what she says ;)

Cindi @Moomette's Magnificents said...

Isn't she cute!
Dropping in & following from MBC!

Stop by & visit me!
Moomette's Magnificents

GottaLoveMom said...

Emily's cute as ever..Bet she gets away with stuff :)

I remember my daughter's first recital and I didn't know we were supposed to bring flowers. That was not good, luckily they were selling one-stem roses at the venue.

Break a leg :)

Buckeroomama said...

Just look at her poses! Precious.

Janice said...

What an adorable, sassy little thing she is! Hope the recital went well!