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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting you out of my life

Dear Dr. Pepper,

You and I go way back. I remember when I was 8 and loved you so much that I even bought Dr. Pepper lip gloss-just to feel and taste you on my lips. I was faithful to you over the years, turning away those other soda pops that flirted with me.

I gave you the best years of my life, but you have not been good to me. You gave me a little belly and you made me feel sluggish. You knew you were bad for me, yet you let me drink you almost every day-sometimes even in generic form.

You tempted me as you sat on the store shelf. Your sugary liquid form gave me many rushes during the day and I was so hooked on you, I would drink you instead of eating a meal. You were so bad, but you didn't care. You were hurting my health-and you knew it-but you didn't care. You are so selfish, Dr. Pepper, I see that now.

But, this week I decided to be strong and I broke up with you-for good. I did not drink you all week. Instead, I drank tea and water and even milk. I instantly felt better. I decided to make some other changes as well, and changed my eating habits too. I stayed away from other bad things for me like processed food and ate healthy and even added fruits and MUFA foods to my diet.

Now, my tummy doesn't jiggle anymore when I walk, I feel more awake and just plain better. I feel so great without you and don't take it personal, but I am better without you.

Do I miss you? Sometimes. After all, we were together for a long time. But just like an ex boyfriend, my desire for you will eventually fade, and I will no longer want or need you.

So good-bye, Dr. Obsession. You will not be missed.


Brian Miller said...

nice. dr. p is my wifes fav...she would definitely have withdrawals...

Melissa said...

I can absolutely relate to this, having broken a Pepsi addiction of many, many years. At one point (about 20 years ago), I was drinking at least a six-pack of Pepsi every day. Now, I primarily drink water and even if I have a Pepsi (very infrequently these days), I definitely feel the ill-effects.

You can do this! (If I can, anyone can.)

shelley said...

you go girl! i give up soda my fix diet coke back in march... it hasn't crossed my lips since then, when i go out i try and drink mineral water with lime, or ice tea... it's a hot one today, hope you are drinking plenty of.... water lol

Kristina P. said...

I have never been a Dr. Pepper fan, but I think my liver is now made up of Diet Coke. I can't quit you, Diet Coke!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I totally need to break up with Dr. Pepper...he gets around, doesn't he???

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Good for you! I gave up soda a couple of years ago. I'm ashamed to admit how many I drank every day. I still have one every once in a while, but don't even miss them anymore. I found out I just really like the bubbles. Flavored sparkling water is my beverage of choice now.

Unknown said...

Dr Pepper is mean. I'm glad he's gone from your life. You did a great job giving it up. Way to go!

Annette said...

You give me encouragement to give up starbucks - you know how addicted I am but reading your post is going to help me break the habit - thank you

Unknown said...

I totally feel you on this, but let me tell you, the first 2 weeks are the hardest! I seriously used to drink Dr Pepper 24/7.... until about a month ago. I have had a few sips since "quitting", and it's still just as good, I just don't like the feeling it gives me -- heavier, like I'm instantly gaining weight! lol. Good luck!

Sue said...

I love Dr. Pepper! I wouldnt be able to quit.

darl said...

I gave up pop too and it was hard. I feel better though.

Anonymous said...

Green tea works to flatten belly as well.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

yep, I felt the same about Dt. Mountain bad, yet so good. Sigh.

Claudya Martinez said...

Well done!

Cindy said...

adios to dr. pepper. hola to feeling good. after all, soda is a four letter word ;).

Claremont First Ward said...

Isn't it amazing how something so good can be so bad? :)

Gail said...

I am a devout Dr Pepper fan with the tummy to prove it!

Oh, that I had your will power.