This week's blogger has a great business going and a great blog too!
She's worked hard to grow her blog and business and has some great advice to other bloggers.
Tabitha Hampton

When did you start blogging and what made you decide to blog?
I have blogged off and on for the past three years, but in the beginning I wasn’t serious about it– it was rather sporadic until last May, then in November I started Glam Mommy ( What ultimately drove me to blogging full time, was the cathartic feeling I get from expressing myself. At that time, I was on a journey of self discovery and spiritual cleansing (which sounds really deep, but it just means I had a lot of crap to sort out), and I was really trying to figure out what I was going to do with my career and my life– and oddly enough it was my very ambitious four year old daughter, who inspire to finally go after what I want and to make it work for me!
What kind of blog do you have?
I definitely write a very somewhat feminist “mom blog”! My blog is about finding balance between being a woman and mother, and not allowing any one thing to define who you are! It’s very diverse and eclectic, for modern women because we juggle so much; we’re working, running businesses, we’re full time (even stay at home) parents, who are shaping everything in the world from the next generation of society, to the economy. Although I write from a mom’s perspective, I definitely write for all women; and my goal is to always encourage, empower, and support women, because we have the power to effect change and now is the time for us to come together and do that! It’s all about positivity!
Do you make money from your blog?
Yes, I recently started selling some ad space on my blog, but 99.9% of my income comes from my PR & Marketing Consultant work, Blog & Graphic Design work, and other related business endeavors.
What do you do to network/promote your blog to bring in readers?
Social Media & Work of Mouth is the two most important methods of promotion for my blog. Facebook, Twitter, Mom Bloggers Club, 5 Minutes for Mom, Blogher, etc. I also really value the communities of fellow mom bloggers, who are supportive and giving of their time & knowledge. I focus on building a network of quality not quantity– what good is it to have 100,000 followers if your contents only a targets and interest a hundred of them. I’d much rather focus on engaging and build meaningful connections with the hundred followers first, and then work through them to get to the 100,000!
How do you balance blogging and family?
Not without great difficulty! I usually start my day at around 6:30am checking and responding to emails, making to-do list, and brainstorming topics. Then at naptime I do graphic design and site updates, and after the kids go to bed at night I’m up until about 2am-4am, writing news posts and working on other projects.
How frequently do you post?
I had been posting 3-4 times a week, but I am starting to post daily!
Do you own a business and blog about your business?
I do own businesses, but I don’t really post “about” them, because it’s more important to reach my readers than to sell to them. I make my contact available so that if people are interested in working with me or hiring me for speaking engagements or PR & Marketing work, they are free get in touch with me, but that’s not what my blog is about.
What do you recommend to blog about?
You should blog about things that you care about, whether it be tech & gadgets, parenting, or fashion tips– and it always helps to know what the heck you’re talking about!
Have your readers influenced you in any way?
Absolutely! I gauge my audience, and I write about the things that they respond to. I read their comments, blogs, tweets and messages, and that gives me some direction.
Has blogging changed your life in any way?
It has been one of the most fulfilling experiences ever. I have become more open to self expression!
Who are your favorite bloggers?
Heather Armstrong (, Danielle Smith (a fellow Saint Louis blogger at, Dear Crissy(, Julie Maloney (
What is your blogging style?
I’d say my style is eclectic, positive, and fun! What do you do when you get writer's block?When all else fails. I write about something personal. I don’t have a filter, so whatever’s inside usually flows pretty freely.
Do you have any advice for newbie bloggers?
Don’t get blog envy & have fun! Don’t look at other’s blogs and think, “wow this is awesome and my blog sucks” because if you think that way your blog will suck. Don’t try to imitate other blogs or styles, just be yourself– that’s what’s really cool!
nice. great interview...always intrigued to hear how other bloggers came about and how they make it work for them...
Great interview as always, Tess!
Have a nice day!
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