Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Puma Winner!

We have a winner for the Puma size 5 outfit:

That means that LuLu won!

LuLu said...
Great contest! I love Puma because of the great quality and durability!~Lauri



Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I am so excited, as I mentioned in my email, I just returned home from the county fair! 5 days in a camper by the horse barns....can't begin to say how happy I was for my 'real' bed! 4H is fun, but small doses are better!!!

Lauri (LuLu)