I wanted to start this post by saying thanks to all of you that wished me a happy 1st year!
Now, I've been thinking about a comment that a reader left the other day, asking about me about the Flat Belly Diet that I mentioned in a comment on her blog and I decided to do a post on it.
I'm not one to "diet". I like to think of any programs that I go on are just a way for me to eat more healthy. I don't need a major weight loss- I would like to loose about ten pounds or so- my family would say I was nuts to think I'm even fat at all. I basically don't like what my tummy has become and I just would like to get back into my tiny clothes that I used to wear before my last little one was born. The only thing with me is, that I HATE to have to count calories, do sit-ups, or live on rabbit food. I have to like what I'm eating or I'm going to cheat! That's where this diet is awesome. It's real food that even includes smoothies and you don't have to exercise if you don't want to!

I had the Flat Belly Diet book for some time now and kept saying that I was going to try it out. I even half started it at one time but wasn't very serious about it. So when summer was approaching, I decided to be serious and try it out. I got out my book and blew off the dust and started reading it. You see, this diet relies on the MUFA foods to help you loose weight. What are MUFAS? Well, it's short for monounsaturated fat and there are five different kinds:
1. Oils
2. Nuts & Seeds
3. Avocado
4. Olives
5. Chocolate- YES! CHOCOLATE!
I can handle all of them except the avocados and tend to use the chocolate MUFS source alot. The trick is to keep your meals at 400 calories. You are thinking, Isn't that counting? Yes, but you don't have to do the counting. Just go by their menus and they have alot of choices.
Ok, so I've been doing this for two weeks or so now and I've lost 2 inches around my tummy! I do some exercising because they say that though you don't HAVE to exercise, it will speed up things. I still don't do sit-ups. No person alive will make me do sit-ups. I follow my girl, Denise Austin's morning workouts on cable. But, I don't do the sit-ups.
Will I show photos? No. I'm too shy but you have to trust me, this works. I'm not even getting paid to tell you about this. Nope. This is not a paid review. I even will let you in on a little secret-
I go off the meals on Sundays and go out to eat and eat what I want. One thing is though, this last Sunday I had a chicken burrito from Taco Bell and I was in the bathroom shortly after. I think my body is getting so used to all the healthy food that it rejected crap-Oops, no pun intended!
So, do I have you wanting to do this diet? I do? Cool! Now, how would you like a book for free?
You would? I don't blame ya. Well, you know the routine. Comment on this post. Want more entries? Follow me. Twitter about this-show the link. Write a post about it-show the link. Come on, do this "healthier eating" with me and let's show off our bellies at the pool!
Thanks for posting about this, Tess.
Wow! Though I don't know if I'm able to do diets, I'm intrigued by this and might just give this a try. :)
I like the chocolate part and want to ignore the rest of your dieting post...LOL...well, I also like the flat stomach part too...so my take away today is that if I eat chocolate I will have a flat stomach...great!...you made my day!!!
A diet with chocolate as a staple? Sign me up!!!
I have the book too....started to do it and then got on my old "Counting" diet again which worked. Lost 30 lbs on it...I just have a hard time giving up my coffee on the flat belly diet. But maybe I will have to suck it up and do it! Thanks so much for sharing...glad to know it works for someone we "know."
Thanks so much for letting us know about this. It sounds great and definitely something I am going to be looking into!
This sounds very interesting. I would love to lose a bit o belly!
Wow! Chocolate as a staple!! Thanks for sharing. I soooo badly want a flat belly.
Okay, great, now I have to go check this book out. My spare tire is weighing me down. Now, I must go. I have a box of crackers with my name on it...
If you're looking for healthy chocolate, try Endangered Species Chocolate. There are a variety of all-natural dark and milk chocolate, as well as a variety of organic dark and milk chocolate.
Sounds fascinating! I've been doing a low-carb thing for about 9 weeks and and it is working for me. I'm running too, so I guess that is part of it. These suggestions will work to a certain extent with the low-carb (minus chocolate), so I'd love to be included in the drawing!
It's tough to diet during graduations and family get togethers especially when you're surrounded with plateful of desserts!
I hate doing sit-ups but my power 90 Ab Ripper is the only one that consistently works - I do Hip-hop Abs for fun.
With 4 kids, I'm not sure I'll ever get that "ripped-abs!"
Thanks for the good wishes..
Considering I'm eating my way through San Francisco this week, this post was the epitome of perfect timing - going to have to look into this!
I saw this book at Borders and I thought it sounded pretty easy. I like all those things too except avocado so I think it wouldn't be that difficult to stick to!
Way to go on losing 2 inches...that's awesome!!
I'll definitely leave a comment in light of this post. Wow! Sounds like a great plan you found. Sign me up for anything that gets my body to automatically reject junk food.
That is a very good thing! :)
Hey Tessie-don't u like guacamole-perfect way to eat some avacadoes-a little lime or lemon juice, some hot sauce and maybe some chopped onion-YUM-I know guacamole kind of resembles baby poo but it is way muy Delicioso.............LOL-We don't do Chipotle or Qdoba without our guac-try it!!
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