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Monday, January 18, 2010

Here's to a great rest of the year.

Okay, I've decided that I'm going to look at this bad start of the year in a positive way. I'm going to figure that I'm getting everything bad out of the way early in the year, so I can look forward to only good happening the rest of the year. Sounds good to me.

So, with all that out of the way, I have to ask this: Does your husband get PMS?

I think mine does.

All last week, he's been grumpy, picking on my cooking, whining about silly things, and short tempered. For all you husbands that deal with a wife who gets PMS, I feel for you because I now know what you go through. I think there should be a place for husbands (and wives) to go to while their spouse goes through this temporary insanity.

I hope the hubby is over his PMS symptoms by this week, because I don't think I will be able to take another week of it. I guess he didn't get the memo about my positive outlook for the rest of the year. I'll have to shove it up his @$&% to make sure he gets it.


The Four Week Vegan said...

Send him to his man cave when he gets PMS. If he doesn't have one of those, send him to the garage to "work" on something.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

There is no question about it. Yes, he PMSes. My brothers used to too. There needs to be more studies on this to help us women out! =)

Sultan said...

Perhaps he is suffering from a little bit of seasonal affective disorder.

Liz Mays said...

That last line was brilliant!

Together We Save said...

My husband get it too LOL.... I need that positive outlook memo BTW.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, mine sure does!

Helene said...

OMG, you always make me laugh! I especially liked the last line of this post!

My husband gets in moods like that too from time to time. I'll come right out and ask him, "Do you have your period or are you just natural at being an a$$hole?"

Veronica Lee said...

He does. I think all men go thru this.

Robin said...

Oh Yeeesss...and Its called CMS...Constant Menstrual Syndrome..cause it never ends...!..we've been dealing with this for a while now still waiting for a treatment...oh wait I know...a hammer..LOL..!!

Creative Junkie said...

LOVE that last sentence, Tess!

eight helping hands said...

I beleive they should go elsewhere while PMSing. Not us, them! We have earned the right to be grumpy. Love the last line of this post!