It's Words with a Blogger Wednesday!
This week's blogger runs an awesome and helpful blog:
Jodi Friedman

Please introduce yourself:
My name is Jodi Friedman and I am the creator of MCP Actions - Photoshop Resources for Photographers. My website is at And my blog is located at:
When did you start blogging?
I have been blogging for years inconsistently. Last February (so a year ago), I decided to commit to blogging. I designed a new blog (with the help of a coder) and started blogging 4-7 days a week ever since then.
Tell us about what kind of blog you have and what made you decide to run a blog like this?
My blog is focused on helping photographers. I educate photographers on everything from products that can help their business, to photoshop tutorials, to photography tips. I also have great contests and give aways to add to the fun.
Do you make money from your blog?
Not directly. I do not sell advertising at this time. I have had people suggest I do. This could be something for the future as I grow. I have a couple of affiliate ads but since most of my readers subscribe via readers and email, they never see these anyway. Indirectly, I do make money from the blog. I offer products for photoshop called "actions." Many readers have purchased these from my website. It goes both ways though - some buy then find my blog, while others find my blog and eventually end up on my website.
How frequently do you post?
Most weeks I post 5-6 times.
Do you have a favorite blogger(s) that you just can't live without reading?
I read a very popular blog called The Pioneer Woman, which I just became a photography contributor for a month ago. YAY! I also visit blogs of many photographers, probably too many to name here, and also of other Photoshop and Photography resources. I use google reader to keep track of blogs - and when I have a few spare minutes will check to see what I am missing.
Have your readers influenced you in any way?
I am not sure if they influence me per say, but the fact that I get so many comments and true support for what I do certainly keeps me motivated.
Has blogging changed your life in any way?
Well the obvious one is that it keeps me busier. But it really has been fulfilling. I like that I have a way to reach an audience and communicate with people. I can share things about my life as well as really help others.
What do you do when you get writer's block?
I keep a list of random topics to blog on. I use this list when I cannot think of what to post. I usually do not get writers block, but sometimes "topic block" so this helps a lot.
Any other advice you might have for newbie bloggers?
Once you commit, blog and blog often. The more you blog, the more you will build readers who come to see what you have to say. Decide who your target audience is and find a way to make your posts fit that theme. I also recommend getting involved in social networking. Get on Facebook, start a Facebook group even. Get on Twitter. If you are a photographer, consider Flickr too. All of these things are great networking and also make your blogging and relationships more personal. One last piece of advice, ask your fans to link to you. It can be a text link or a banner. This helps with SEO and also just gets the word out.
Thanks, Jodi!
Would you like to be my next victim-er, I mean interview? Comment on this post and I will stalk you and peek in your windows to watch your family eat dinner just like the Australian guy that follows that gecko character on Geico-Or, I'll just send you an email with a list of interview questions for you to answer.
Ooooooooh, I love MCP actions! I was excited to see her inteview here!
great interview! i read jodi's blog and always assumed she'd been blogging forever, it was interesting to read that she really just started less than a year ago!
and i totally agree with blogging daily... it keeps readers coming your way!
I love Jodi and her MCP blog & website. She is so generous sharing her talent with others.
btw - your blog title cracked me up! I, too, was once "six feet under" and am here to tell you that I survived! LOL!
Such a creative blog title!!
want to help me come up with a better one for my blog? LOL
Great interview. I, too, love MCPactions and Jodi's blog.
Very informative.
Jodi ROCKS! I have purchased almost all her actions! I use them EVERYDAY on EVERY PHOTO! If you are a busy photographer who needs a few extra minutes...then buy her they save me sooooooooo much time and headache...PLUS I have learned a lot about photoshop just by using the actions!!!
Great interview, I always enjoy hearing other folks take on what they do and how they blog.
Hey! It's fun to find your blog - through Jodi at MCP! I'd love to do an interview if you'd find it interesting... you can check out my blog at or the photography one at !! hugs!
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