Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Words with a blogger Wednesday

This week's victim for Words with a blogger is Jen from

Cheaper than Therapy

Tell us about your blog:

I'm Jen The Mom from
I started my blog back in March, 2008. It's a place where I share my photos, stories, gripes, and achievements relating to my family and my personal feelings.

When did you start blogging and what made you decide to blog?

March of this year. I had been reading a few blogs "Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child" and "The Pioneer Woman" and I loved the idea of an online journal/scrapbook to share with family and friends.

Do you make money from your blog?

Just recently I had the opportunity to offer ads through BlogHer, a company that promotes the blogging community. I thought 'it can't hurt' to benefit from something I love doing! I also make headers and buttons for other bloggers that I enjoy doing.

What do you do to network/promote your blog to bring in readers?

I joined the Mom Bloggers Club, it's a fantastic place to find other new bloggers, ask questions, and meet new friends! I also belong to Twitter, I write a column for MomDot, I visit 5 Minutes for Mom and the Posh Parent, which are all social networks that support the blogging community.

How do you balance blogging and family?

Right now blogging is a big hobby of mine, so I try to work it in during the early mornings, nap, and evenings. I've been cutting back on the weekends. You need a few days to rest, LOL.

How frequently do you post?

I've been blogging everyday, but I may cut back to 6 days a week. I often write a post and post-date it. There is a LOT of stuff going on in my head.

What do you recommend to blog about?

Everyday life. That's what's interesting to read in other blogs. Life has the best stories. I also enjoy reading humor the most!

Who are your favorite bloggers?

Happy Meals and Happy Hour, Musings of a Barefoot Foodie, The McMommy Chronicles, and MomDot

What is your blogging style?

I tend to lean toward finding funny in everything, even my neuroses. You have to laugh at yourself.

What do you do when you get writer's block?
I snap pictures or I write down what my kids say. Often I put music on and it helps me find a pathway to write.

Do you have any advice for newbie bloggers?

It's a phrase I found as I began blogging, "blog guilt-free" meaning don't make it a job. Don't feel pressured by comments, or replying, or joining, do it at your own pace and have FUN! It's cheaper than therapy, yuk yuk!

Thanks Jen!

Would you like to be my next victim-er, I mean interview?Comment on this post and I will stalk you and peek in your windows to watch your family eat dinner just like the Australian guy that follows that gecko character on Geico-Or, I'll just send you an email with a list of interview questions for you to answer.


Anonymous said...

love to see how other bloggers answer these questions!

Helene said...

Great interview!!! I'm gonna go check out her blog!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed that. Jen is a blog-buddy of mine! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy meeting new bloggers and learning more about the bloggers I'm already following. Thanks for sharing and I agree..."blog guilt-free" otherwise what's the purpose?!

Kate said...

Love these features you do, and the Friday finds is a good addition too.