I forgot to mention that right after her mishap, I told her, See? If you would've listened to me you wouldn't of got hurt.
The rest of the weekend, whenever she was misbehaving or doing something that could potentially get her hurt, I would bring up how I was right and she should listen to me. This worked like a charm and I didn't have to yell a million times, "Don't do that, you might get hurt!" Nope. I only had to say it once and give her a look and she would stop. I plan on using this to my advantage for as long as it works. It's my right as a mom to do so-it's in the mom manual you know.
Being a mom and owner of several businesses, I can clearly label myself as busy. Alot of times, I find myself searching for a better way to balance everything so that everyone is happy and everything gets done right. The pressures bring guilt, exhaustion, confusion and even anger. I know I'm doing the best that I can, but I still feel that there has to be a better way to balance life.
I don't usually post about the latest news, but I just had to today. You see, two "symbols" of my child/teen years died yesterday. The same day. Both of them. I'm sure you probably know who I'm talking about- Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. When I first checked Yahoo in the morning, I kept seeing Farrah's face as their main story. At first I didn't even read the article and just went about my business- Yes, I can be oblivious of things right in front of my face like that. Finally, I happened to glance over at the title of the story and about freaked. FARRAH IS DEAD. What?? I knew that she was sick but I had watched her documentary and cheered her on that she would get better. After all, she was Farrah Fawcett. I loved her on Charlie's Angels. I had her hair cut (still do kind of) and even had one of those doll heads that you can do up their hair and put makeup on their face. Now, she is gone and it makes me sad. A piece of my childhood has gone with her.
THEN, if that wasn't enough, Micheal Jackson dies too?? What is up here, people? Not that I agreed with his actions the last ten or so years, but memories of his Thriller video bring me back to my teens and going to the mall arcade. We didn't have cable out where we lived and they had this projector looking machine where you could put in some quarters and it would play MTV videos. Thriller was my favorite. I would play that one all the time.
Earlier this week, Ed Mcmahon had died too. They say that celebrities go in threes and this time it was quick. I hope that buys Patrick Swayze a little time-another actor that brings memories of growing up too.
You two will be missed.
Conversation between a mom and her four year old:
Me: "No, Emily. You CANNOT have a Popsicle before dinner."
Emily: "But, Mom. These are special Popsicles and they need to be eaten BEFORE dinner."
Me: "I think not. You can eat one before your bath."
Emily: "But, Mom. It won't be special before bath."
Me: "I think it will-trust me. Then, after you get all messy from it, you can take a bubble bath and get all nice again."
Emily: "But, Mom..."
Me: "No "buts" Missy!"
Me: "I said NO, LITTLE MISSY!"
Emily: "I can't wait until I can grow up and move out and get my own house so I can buy my own food and eat what I want!"
Me: "Are you sure you're only four???"
I wanted to start this post by saying thanks to all of you that wished me a happy 1st year!
1. Oils
2. Nuts & Seeds
3. Avocado
4. Olives
5. Chocolate- YES! CHOCOLATE!
Wow. I cant believe it. I've been boring everyone for one whole year-have you been around for the whole year? I think I love you.
I actually didn't even realize that June marked my first year for this blog and I was all like, "Hey everyone! It's my blogversary!" Unfortunately, the only ones around were the dogs. Mia (the chihuahua) crapped her pants and Bella (the big one) looked to see if I had a juicy steak in my hands and when she noticed I didn't, she just laid her head back down and went back to sleep.
So, I celebrated quietly by myself and I went through my old posts; laughing at the funny ones, crying at the badly written ones and then I was curious as to what the first post was that I started this out with. I can't count the "About me" post which is actually the very post listed since I just wrote that to explain the blog. I realized that the first one was about the flood we had here last year. Do you remember it? Well, here it is if you care. Now, a year later, the rain is back again but not so bad so far.
I hope that in this year's time, I've gained some loyal readers and I definitely made some great bloggy friends. You may not realize it, but if you see me on your blog alot, that means we're friends-really. I love reading all the great blogs I found out there and I even found old friends because of my blog.
Will I do a make over to celebrate? Probably not. I like my header and it explains my blog title because I've scared a few people when they see that title and I have to show them the six cute little feet so they know this is a nice little blog and not some blog about how to put people six feet under.
So, I hope all you wonderful people out there in Internet land will continue to come visit because, well, comments make me feel warm inside and when I don't get a daily comment, I go into withdraws like someone who didn't get their coffee fix in the morning. Then, I get all green and huge and my clothes explode off me-wait, that's the Incredible Hulk. Never mind.
One more?
Ok, enough of them.
Emily wanted to go to the monkey cage next.
Zachary just thought all the animals were cool-just like him.
They have this one area where you can buy fish food and feed it to these enormous fish in their pond.
There were also geese and ducks and turtles looking to eat too.
I forgot to remind Emily that you don't stick your hand out with food in it to the geese because they will bite you and they did just that. She just fed the fish after that.
We ended up taking the train ride last and by then it was nice to just sit and relax.
As I looked through the Sunday paper this weekend, I noticed that everything was 'guy stuff' this and 'guy stuff' that and realized that Father's Day must be coming. This is the worse holiday for me to shop for besides my hubby's birthday. It's not one that you need to spend a whole lot which makes it worse for me. As I looked through the ads, I laughed as I saw the different sales for Polo shirts, (what guy wants a shirt for a present?) hand tools, (my hubby pick up a tool and actually want to fix something?) camping equipment, (Camping? Enough said) and more clothes. What a waste of ad space. They should be putting drink mixes on sale so all the wives of picky husbands can get drunk after shopping for a Father's Day gift.
I slammed the paper down on the kitchen table and got on the Internet. I found alot of stuff that he would love, but of course they cost a small fortune and it's not Christmas and I don't believe in going overboard for a holiday that Hallmark invented to sell more cards. Apparently, he thought the same thing on Mother's Day because I didn't wake up to getting a full day at the spa.
So, I'm still looking for that perfect "little" gift that won't get me a usual, "Umm thanks, Honey" in return. Maybe I'll get him a gift card for McDonalds so he can get all the Big Macs his heart desires. I'm just all thoughtful like that.
Jesse: "I will be SO glad when you won't be able to listen to the television on the radio when everything switches over to digital."
Me: "What's the big deal about listening to a television channel?"
Jesse: "Because it's so stupid. You can't SEE television on the radio!"
Me: "Well, you LISTEN to music on the television-you know I hate that!"
Jesse: "So, let me get this straight. You hate me listening to music on the television and I hate you listening to television on the radio."
Me: "Listening to you point that out made me realize something."
Jesse: "What's that?"
Me: "We're SO made for each other."
I kept seeing this tag on blogs and kept wondering what the heck it was but never thought to click on it. I'm just funny like that. Finally, I decided to click on it and it brought me to their site. I then found out that it was a place where bloggers can download free templates and backgrounds and banners and well, did I mention it was frrrreeeeeeeeee??
They have adorable designs and I'm all into the 'cutie' look and the 'scrapbook' look. If you are wanting a cool looking blog and don't know where to turn, then by golly, go visit them.
If that wasn't enough already, they also have lots of articles on the secret to blogging success and even a blogging community.
So, you really need to check them out-btw, this site is ran by two moms, Becky and Ashley and they actually have a blog too called, Two Moms Talk.
So, go check them out and grab some cool designs and tell them I sent ya!
If you read Friday's post then you know that we were nervous about Emily's first dance recital. My dad brought his camera for us since mine broke so we could videotape it. It's blurry but hopefully you can view it. She's the vain one-ok, she's the one in the middle.
When it was over and she got her flowers, (yes, we didn't forget them) she was so excited by all the attention that she yelled to me, "Mom! This is way better then a card signing!'
A big ham? I think so.
Being the mom of a teenager has awakened my respect of my mom who raised three girls who were teens about all the same time. My first time experience with a teen that tested every breaking point in me over the years has conditioned me for my other daughter. I tell her that someday she will call her older sister and tell her "thanks alot" for getting in fights at school, totalling the car after getting her license, lying about where she was all the time and having a son at an early age, because I will be doing things WAY different the second time around. My youngest will NOT get a car at sixteen, sleepovers will be at our house and if I can figure out how to install a GPS system in her rear, I will.
All those perfect parents will gasp in horror after reading about my oldest child's actions and call me a horrible parent and send me terrible comments- oh yeah, I already did have a little troll tell me I was terrible awhile back when I first started this blog. Luckily, they were given the Nobel Peace Award and no longer have time to stalk me. No parent is handed a manual for raising kids and all we can do is try to teach them to do good and hope that some day it will kick in.
With that, I'm still paying for my mistakes made with the first one. The other day she gave me a scare when I called her in the morning to wake her up to get ready for the day (mental note: teach other children how to use an alarm clock). She had to get up to take finals and it was getting near the time she needed to be there. I called her and did not get an answer. I called back and still no answer. Ok, now I was beginning to worry. Crap-I could feel another grey hair growing. After about twenty calls-yes, I'm a crazy mom like that-I called the hubby, frantic and yelled at him to go find her. I'm sorry, but you can't not answer your phone if you are the child of a mom with a vivid imagination. I mean, I write suspense stories. All sorts of crazy thoughts went through my head. Surely, her and the baby were kidnapped and held for ransom. Maybe, they went for a drive in the woods late in the night and the car broke down, leaving them no choice but to stop at the creapy dark house that happens to be right in the middle of nowhere. Now, they are being chased by some guy in a mask with a chainsaw. You see, you better have that phone glued to your ear if you are my child.
As I was freaking out on the phone to my husband at his work, he quietly tried her from his cell phone. She finally answered. I heard him calmly ask her where she's at and why she didn't answer the phone. Then I hear him tell her, "Call your mom-now."
I was relieved that she was ok but then I was instantly angry. I hung up from my husband and waited for her call.
"You better be in the hospital!"
"Mom, I didn't hear the phone."
"After twenty calls?!"
"Yes. Sorry."
"Do you know what you do to me when you don't answer?"
"I know, Mom."
"If you don't stop doing this, I'm going to never talk to you again."
"I know, Mom."
"Well, you better get ready so you aren't late."
There was a lecture thrown in there too and maybe some swear words but, I think you get the picture.
I always tell my son that when I have a heart attack before I'm fifty that he can blame his sister and to make sure that my gravestone states: