Same Blog-New Place

This is now my old blog address-I am now one of those Wordpress geeks and my blog now sits at . So, please visit me there and if you subscribe to it, you will be my new best friend and chocolate chip cookies will fall from the sky.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I amaze myself

I amaze myself that by the end of the day, I haven't put my kids up for sale.

I amaze myself that I can hear a text coming in on my cell phone upstairs, when it's on vibrate, and I'm in the basement doing laundry.

I amaze myself that I've been married to an electronic-buying-junkie husband for seven years and I haven't hit him on the head with any of those electronics-yet.

I amaze myself that I can spend the whole day at home with a box of brownie mix and not make it.

I amaze myself that I can watch two hours of reality television and not lower my IQ-I think. Wait, what did I just say?

I amaze myself that I haven't had a nervous breakdown, dealing with my oldest daughter's weekly crisis.

What do you do to amaze yourself?


Anonymous said...

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Brian Miller said...

smiles. fun post...hope you all have a great weekend. sometimes i amaze myself i have made it this far...

The Four Week Vegan said...

I amaze myself that I have yet to be committed when trying to deal with the logic of a teen daughter.

secret agent woman said...

Let's see...

I amaze myself that I can live in the cloud of testosterone that is a household with two teenage boys and not go out of my mind.

I amaze myself that I can keep up with laundry and yet never quite bring myself to do anything about the dust I see around me.

I amaze myself that I can have so many very bad dating experiences and yet still feel optimistic.

Ooh, that last one makes me feel tired so I'll stop.

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

I amaze myself that I have (almost) survived raising 5 teenagers at the same time! I'm your new Blog Frog friend. Love your blog, now following. Have a great weekend.